our coffee
We work closely with roasters, like Masteroast Coffee Co Ltd, to develop Praego’s exclusive blends. Roasted to order, each bag of coffee is consistent in its taste profile, essential for the commercial venues we supply.
Team Praego source harvests in Rwanda, whilst Masteroast’s in-country Q graders select from their chosen cooperatives across the world. Between us we ensure we only buy premium quality beans with sustainable provenance, at direct trade and fair prices. Small batch coffee purchases can be made at our partner Bev Direct. For retail quotes please contact us.

signature blend
Lake Kivu Blends features the finest Arabica Bourbon from award winning co-operatives in Rwanda. Cherries grow plump at 1800m above sea level, nourished by tropical rainfall, sun and rich volcanic soils. Farmer owned plots cover Kivu lakeshore hillsides with shade grown coffee trees, mulched with banana leaves and cherry pulp. Harvests are taken to lake side washing stations, where cherries are rinsed and soaked in mountain water, which is then filtered and re-used. 80% of Praego’s green beans are directly sourced from the Kivu belt, constantly captivating our client’s tastebuds with their complex layering of sweet, floral notes.
connoisseurs choice:
The blends in the Connoisseurs range are uniquely designed in roast and taste profile. Accurately developed, they suit all types of traditional or fully automatic coffee equipment from leading manufacturers around the world. Predominantly sourced by Masteroast’s own in-country Q graders and selected from their trusted co-ops in South America and Asia. Each gourmet blend has been carefully crafted to deliver the very best in taste, aroma, crema and price
We donate £3 every 6kg case of coffee sold, with direct involvement in all projects funded
Praego’s foil bag designs are unique, with commissioned artwork by Frank Setto, a Rwandan orphan we funded through university. He now runs his own graphics & design business in Kigali.
